| www.alephargentina.com.ar

Bandera en | españolBandera en | ingles
servicios comercio exterior | coordinacion
Coordination of shipments and loads

In order to achieve efficiency and maintain an operating standard consistent with the rest of the operations that we perform, Aleph has developed a sector of transport and distribution via truck integrated into its own structure.

To achieve compliance objectives of delivery in all circumstances and cargo volumes, we have a fleet of trucks own semi-trailers and Charter permanently, truck type chassis rocker, closed vans and small trucks.

This fleet allows us to meet the demand of transport from sea containers of high-volume (High Cube) to shipments of specimens that do not reach the kilogram of gross weight.

To give security to the load, all our vehicles are equipped with permanent satellite tracking systems.

Aleph also has Logistics Department land which carries out the supervision of transportation service internal to customer deposits or final destination we indicated, both when it is done through transport of our company or appointed by the client transport.


Peru 590 Piso 14 C

(C1068AAB) Ciudad de Buenos Aires



Tel. +5411.5218.4227


Do you need a quotation?
Complete this simple form and we will respond shortly

Aleph Comercio Exterior | Peru 590 Piso 14 C - (C1068AAB) Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires - Argentina | +5411.5218.4227

We are a national company, dynamic and solvent, dedicated to foreign trade.
Important links
Contact us
Copyright  Faro del Sur Servicios2010-2024|v1.19.07r231219
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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