| www.alephargentina.com.ar

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Ethics and Compliance
In Aleph Argentina we assume integrity, excellence and teamwork as some of the values that distinguish us and that are the basis on which we build our daily actions.
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics shows the way in which we should conduct ourselves and is responsibility of each one of us, know it and put it into practice at all times.
We comply with Law 27401 on Corporate Ethics and Compliance Criminal Responsibility.
For more than 15 years, Aleph Argentina has been certified by this important worldwide organization as a company that works to reach the level of anti-bribery compliance,fulfilling world standards.
TRACE is a worldwide recognized anti-bribery business organization and leading provider of third-party risk management solutions.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Ethics guides our behavior in all activities, not only in our work but in interactions with clients and suppliers.

Peru 590 Piso 14 C

(C1068AAB) Ciudad de Buenos Aires



Tel. +5411.5218.4227


Our services

Aleph Comercio Exterior | Peru 590 Piso 14 C - (C1068AAB) Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires - Argentina | +5411.5218.4227

We are a national company, dynamic and solvent, dedicated to foreign trade.
Important links
Contact us
Copyright  Faro del Sur Servicios2010-2024|v1.19.07r231219
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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